Warhammer Quest: Cursed City is a co-operative game that sees you and your friends take to the streets of the Cursed City of Ulfenkarn to fight the hordes of the undead.
The game comes with 60 new miniatures, rulebooks, cards, tokens and more.
The miniatures include:
8 Heroes:
- Jelson Darrock, Witch Hunter
- Qulathis the Exile, Vampire Hunter
- Emelda Braskov, General
- Dagnai Holdenstock, Kharadron entrepreneur
- Glaurio ven Alten III, Duelist
- Cleona Zeitengale, Missionary
- Octen Glimscry, Necromancer
- Brutogg Corpse-Eater, Ogor Mercenary
5 Overlords:
- Gorslav the Gravekeeper
- Watch Captain Hagrim
- Torgillis the Chamberlain
- Vrykos Blood-born
- Radukar the Wolf
37 Additional Adversaries:
6 Dire Bat Swarms
6 Corpse Rat Swarms
2 Kosargi Nightguard Ogor
10 Ulfenwatch Skeleton Warriors
10 Deadwalker Zombies
1 Vargskyr Vampire
2 Vyrkos Blood-born Vampires
10 Mysterious Object Marker Miniatures