Arathorn is a descendant of Isildur and heir to the throne of Gondor. A fierce and skilled warrior, Arathorn is a noble leader and the father of Aragon. Halbarad is a kinsman of Aragorn, and amongst his closest and most loyal companions. When Aragorn departed to join the Fellowship, Halbarad took command of the Rangers of the Grey Company.
This multipart metal kit builds Arathorn, the father of Aragorn, and two versions of Halbarad – one carrying the Banner of Arwen Evenstar. These heroes lead the Rangers and Dúnedain of the North in the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game, inspiring their wandering warriors into battle against the forces of Evil.
This kit contains 5 metal components and 3x Citadel 25mm Round Bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly.